Catpillar (Category Page as Pillar Page)
Definition: A Catpillar is a customized WordPress category page that acts as a pillar page. Unlike traditional category pages, which only list posts, a Catpillar contains structured content, schema, and links to both posts and subcategories (sub-catpillars). The "category" slug is also removed from the URL, placing Catpillars in the same directory as their related posts for cleaner navigation.
Example: The Personal Injury Catpillar on a law firm’s website could provide detailed content about the practice area, while linking to sub-categories like Car Accidents and relevant attorney profiles and blog posts.
Custom Post Types (CPTs)
Definition: Custom Post Types (CPTs) in WordPress allow you to create specialized types of content beyond the standard posts and pages. These can include content like attorney profiles, practice areas, or case studies, giving more flexibility in how your content is structured and displayed.
Example: A law firm might use a custom post type for attorneys, allowing them to create detailed profiles for each lawyer with custom fields for experience, practice areas, and bio information.
Cascading Clusters
Definition: Cascading Clusters refer to the hierarchical structure within Claris Clusters, where subcategories and content flow from higher-level categories to more specific subcategories. This helps organize content into a clear hierarchy, making it easier to navigate.
Example: In the Practice Areas cluster, Personal Injury could cascade down to Car Accidents, then further into subcategories for specific types of car accidents, creating a clear and intuitive structure for users.
URL Structure
Definition: URL structure refers to the way web addresses are formatted on a site. A clean URL structure makes it easier for users to understand and navigate a site, and it's beneficial for SEO. In Claris Clusters, category slugs are removed from URLs, keeping them short and intuitive.
Example: Instead of a URL like /category/personal-injury/
, Claris Clusters would create a cleaner URL like /personal-injury/
, making it simpler and more user-friendly.